NV Upater development

As the year draws to a close, we'd like to give you an update on the development status of NV Updater version The development of this version is taking more time than expected, and we'd like to explain the reasons for this in more detail.
A major factor is the code base of the current version 0.6.x.x. This has grown steadily over time and was no longer state-of-the-art at the start of development. It is based on the .NET Framework 4.x and WinForms. In addition, the driver was identified by so-called "scraping" of the NVIDIA website. This was the only option at the time and seemed straightforward at first.
However, scraping websites presents a number of challenges and potential sources of error. For this reason, we have now migrated the entire procedure to the new NVIDIA API. The code has been completely rewritten and outsourced to a separate library. Parts of this code have already been integrated into NV Updater to fix an existing problem.
The new version represents a complete rewrite of the code. It is based on WPF and .NET 8 and completely eliminates the scraping of the NVIDIA website. This will make the program more reliable and stable overall.
In addition, NV Updater will no longer run permanently in the background in the future, but will be executed via the Windows Task Scheduler. This saves valuable computer resources and allows for more precise scheduling of execution times. Instead of at regular intervals as before, NV Updater will then be active at times you specify.
It will still be some time before the new version is finished. However, we are confident that the wait will be worth it!
Hallo ich bin Sascha, komme aus dem warmen Süden, genauer gesagt aus der Nähe von Freiburg. Inzwischen wohne ich aber in der Schweiz und gehe dort meinem Job als Test-Engineer nach. Ich bin begeisterter Technik und Smartphone Fan, schreibe in meiner Freizeit kleine Programme und bastle gerne an Webseiten und anderen Sachen.