NV Upater development

For a long time there was nothing more to read here, I have currently quite little time for the project here as a whole. Since NV Updater also largely does what it should, I'm also just not so in the compulsion to do something. Nevertheless I have a little news about the upcoming version .
NV Updater is currently being tested and will probably be released in 3-4 weeks, here is an overview of the upcoming changes:
Lib Updates
So I was a little bit busy, is a kind of "clean" version with the additional feature of API detection. The project has grown and grown and so parts of the code are not really pretty anymore. Until more features come (e.g. Quartz which is on the list for, there will be smaller updates with improved code. Also I'm thinking about moving all the API code for graphics card detection to a separate library and rebuild it.
So see you soon and stay healthy
Hallo ich bin Sascha, komme aus dem warmen Süden, genauer gesagt aus der Nähe von Freiburg. Inzwischen wohne ich aber in der Schweiz und gehe dort meinem Job als Test-Engineer nach. Ich bin begeisterter Technik und Smartphone Fan, schreibe in meiner Freizeit kleine Programme und bastle gerne an Webseiten und anderen Sachen.