The year is slowly coming to an end and Christmas is finally here :Christmas_tree: . I would like to thank you for your support, the nice donators and all the others who reported bugs and helped with testing . Without you the project "NV Updater" would never have grown and developed so much. By now the APP has been downloaded over 19000 times, there are 29 versions, and the program is a little over a year old.
With the donations in the meantime 35 Euro have been collected :partying_face: . If the amount should be enough sometime, I thought about donating a code certificate to NV Updater. This will eliminate some of these "false positive" virus messages and Windows will be happy, because the APP would be signed.
NV Updater development in 2021:
Actually I wanted to release NV Updater in version, with a new design in the options menu and the integration of But in the meantime the version 0.6.x.x got so many changes and new features, that I can't merge it with the anymore. This means that I have to manually update the programmed parts, so I still have some work to do :nerd_face: . But the whole thing also has its good, some problems with are now solved by these further developments.
The following features are planned for 2021:
- Manual slimming for existing driver package
- Integration of (improved planning of the update check)
- Design changes to the APP
- Implement INI system without Kernel32.dll
Other projects:
- TS3 Updater release
- Rebuilding of the website in some areas (possibly change of provider)
In this sense I wish you all a great christmas and stay healthy :kissing_face_with_closed_eyes:
About the Author
Hallo ich bin Sascha, komme aus dem warmen Süden, genauer gesagt aus der Nähe von Freiburg. Inzwischen wohne ich aber in der Schweiz und gehe dort meinem Job als Test-Engineer nach. Ich bin begeisterter Technik und Smartphone Fan, schreibe in meiner Freizeit kleine Programme und bastle gerne an Webseiten und anderen Sachen.